Please choose your purchase carefully, we cannot give you a refund just because you changed your mind. Goods may be exchanged for other goods but the shipping costs will be borne by the customer and are non-refundable.


We have a 30-day limited money back guarantee on all goods purchased from this website. This excludes accessories, headsets and sale items. However please decide carefully when purchasing as we will charge you a return fee of 20% of the retail price, as it costs us time and money to process any returns. Please contact our staff before purchasing if you are not entirely sure of your purchase.

The customer will receive a  refund once products have been returned in original condition, with original packaging in new condition and resalable. Products returned in poor condition without original packaging (scratched or broken) will not be refunded.


All Blushield products carry a warranty period of 1 year. This covers factory defects or faults. This does not cover misuse, modification or neglect (dropping) , water damage or heat damage. If a claim is to be made all postage costs are to be covered by the customer. Blushield will decide whether to repair or replace product depending upon the fault.

All Blushield Accessories carry a warranty period of 14 days, from date of purchase. All warranty claims require proof of purchase and/or receipt, with a date of purchase as proof.